Monday, January 29, 2007

Catching Up

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was certainly busy, but we managed to have some fun in there too. We went over to Tim and Tammi's for some dinner, games and we even threw in a movie! Thanks again guys, we had a great time! Friday night, Saturday and all day Sunday we spent cleaning and organizing our house. To update everyone who we don't talk to everyday, Matt and I have decided to move on base pending our move to CA (hopefully!!). We are not quite sure when we are leaving, so we thought it would be smart to start the selling of our house now while we actually have a place to live once it's sold. The homes are absolutely beautiful and huge!! However, we are hoping we don't have any resident ghosts....most homes on base have ghost stories just because they are so old. Yikes!! Anyway, our house should officially go on the market tomorrow so we have been trying to prepare for the upcoming scramble in the mornings to make sure everything is just so. It's very overwhelming for us right now, but it will all be fine in the end.

On another funny note, so the reason I have not posted anything on the blog is because of this: We went over to our friends' Dave and Debbie's house last weekend for some yummy dinner and we played several games. We had a great time and I actually remembered to take pictures!! (Below). Well, all week I have been looking for my camera and then it dawned on me that I might have left it over there. As we were cleaning and reorganizing this weekend....guess what?? I found the stupid camera hidden behind a speaker on our entertainment center! Avery has taken a liking to our camera, so in order to avoid at least one temper tantrum, I hide it from her. Well apparently I hid it so well this time, I couldn't even find it! Ha Ha OK, I'm done for now. Enjoy the pictures and I promise more will come now that I have found our MIA camera. :)

Debbie and me!

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David and Debbie

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Me and the hubby

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momto2boys said...

Aww what cute couples ya'll are :)

The Fishers said...

You guys look great! I believe it was Tammi who posted above saying you're a cute couple...we knew that! ;) Thanks for sharing.