Friday, November 30, 2007

A Day in the Life is right!

Most of you would expect me to post cute pictures of Avery on our blog, and for the most part, I do. Except this time! Below you will see a picture of a window in our living room and as you can see, it is not quite normal. I have two "Avery stories" to share with you from this day, but I'll start with the first.

How hard is the human head actually?

Well, I found out on Wednesday. As we are getting ready to go read stories before Avery's naptime she decided she just wasn't ready yet and would rather watch The Polar Express (or as she calls it "the Christmas Tree" movie). Of course, what comes out of my mouth? It's a very familiar word with parents and children alike...NO! Avery's temper tantrums have gained intensity lately and as you can see this one went a little awry. As she was banging her fists on this window, I was standing in the background telling her to stop "right this instant" (it's what I usually say when she's doing something wrong!). Apparently hitting her fist on the window was not doing enough to show her anger so she decided that banging her head might just do the trick. After two or three times, the glass shattered and as you can only imagine, mom (that would be me) freaked out. Thankfully, Avery didn't have a scratch on her but I can't say the same for the poor window with whom she took out her frustrations. I should have taken a picture before maintenance came to board it up. It's not tempered so it basically cracked completely and left jagged edges sticking out. I'm not quite sure how it didn't shatter and fall into a million pieces but I am thanking God that it didn't or else this would not be such a comical Avery story. Now she looks at the window all the time and says "Broke it head!". See picture below of what a 2 year old with a bad temper can do to your house:

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Adventures in the Bathroom

As many of you know, we've moved Avery in to a toddler bed now and so far, she has done pretty well. Of course, except for the first few weeks where she thought, "Wow, this is great! No bars to keep me in!! I can do whatever I want! My mom and dad are so stupid!" Ha Ha This week she has decided it's fun to get up and come out to the living room to see what Mom and Dad really do when she's asleep. Normally, she comes right out to the living room without any side tracking. But Wednesday night (remember, this is the same day in which she broke the window with her head), she thought she'd go on a little adventure. Matt and I got ready for bed and sat down to watch some TV, unbeknownst to the activity that was really taking place in our house. So we let about an hour go by and all of a sudden, I hear something. It sounded like the faint footsteps of a certain little girl. Matt opens the door and completely freaked out. She had what looked like blood all over her face. As I came in for a look, I realized it was lipstick!!!!! I ran to the bathroom to see the damage and it was good. I do not have any pictures of Avery's face or the bathroom as we were more concerned about her having eaten anything she shouldn't have and cleaning her up to go back to bed. Thankfully, she did not ingest anything but she sure had fun putting on my lipstick, blush concealer and writing with eyeliner all over! It was good times. Below is a picture of Avery with lip gloss all over her face...not from this same evening. Didn't she do a fabulous job? Hee Hee

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Anonymous said...

Your family is just adorable. God Bless

Anson, Tamara, Lily, Dillon and Lacy said...

These stories, although they are cute, are giving us a glimpse of what very likely will happen when Lily is this age. Any ways to prevent this from happening would be welcome advice.


Anson & Mae

Sam said...

Okay, I think I peed a little! I can't stop laughing and I laugh not at you, but with you. What a day!! Tis life in the toddler lane, I suppose! :) Love you guys!

The Vrabecs said...

Oh wow, what an adventurous little girl! Thanks for sharing, its nice to know that Im not the only Mom with a curious little girl :)

Adam Fisher said...

I'm with Sam. Since Avery was alright through all of this, it is just hilarious. I can just picture both situations. You describe it so well, Kim. ;)

I have a friend here in NM that has a 2yr 9mon old. She is totally into everything being hers and not sharing. Everything should be her way or the highway too. She's really sweet and adorable, but I think this kind of behavior creates the "terrible twos". Can't wait 'til Gwen hits these stages. Yikes, but fun in the right perspective. ;)

By the way, while I'm writing this I looked at Avery's picture. You should know that her teeth look really white. Good work! ;) I's a funny thought.

Take Care!

Bethalow said...

Oh my Kim and Matt! What ever are you going to do with that little lady?! I am glad she is okay, and yes- since she is okay it is pretty funny! (I'm getting more and more afraid for my own stories I am sure will come!)