Friday, April 07, 2006

Yeah! No work!

So about a month ago, we had about 10 inches of snow, the roads were horrible and there were blizzard-like conditions. Today, we have a couple inches of snow on the ground, the roads are probably not good but it's suppose to get better by this afternoon. Which day do you think they called off school here???? Well, let me give you a hint, it wasn't when we had 10 inches of snow. My boss called ag 7:00am this morning and told me we had a long weekend! Woo Hoo!!! Although, I'd prefer to have a long weekend when it was nice outside...but that's ok. I'll take what I can get!!!!!!!!!

Just thought I'd share my good news :)

1 comment:

Sam said...

Looks like you got your is GORGEOUS outside!! :)