Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Where Does Time Go?

I totally stole this idea from my friend Tammi, but I didn't think she'd mind. :) Avery is officially 6 months old (yesterday). I can't believe how fast time has gone!! She had her 6 month check-up today and is doing great! She now weighs 17lbs 7 oz and is 26 in long. What a blessing she is and I can't imagine my life without her.
As you can see, Daddy had to hold her up because she hasn't quite got the "sitting-up" thing down yet, but we're getting there. :)
I'm sure I'll have more pictures later on in the week. We're giving her her first taste of veggies tonight! YUMMY!!


Bethalow said...

What a cute little pattootie!

Sally Y said...

Adorable! It's hard to believe! Time goes by so quickly!